Leadership - World Jewish Congress

כל ישראל ערבים זה בזה

"All Jews are responsible one to another"

The Executive Committee of the World Jewish Congress conducts the affairs of the WJC in accordance with the decisions of the Plenary Assembly and Governing Board. The body consists of the WJC President, Vice-Presidents (including, ex Officio, the presidents of the 12 largest WJC-affiliated Jewish communities, as well as representatives of other Jewish communities, international Jewish organizations, and young adults), the Governing Board Chairman, the Treasurer, the Chair and Co-Chair of the Policy Council and the Chairmen of the Regional Affiliates. The Executive meets at least twice a year.
Ronald S. Lauder Ronald S. Lauder
President, World Jewish Congress
David de Rothschild David de Rothschild
WJC Governing Board
Chella Safra Chella Safra
WJC Treasurer
Elias Achar Elias Achar
WJC Vice-President (WJC North America)
President, Tribuna Israelita (Mexico)
Daniel Aghion Daniel Aghion
Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ) President;
WJC Vice President
Daniel Alpert Daniel Alpert
Member of the Executive
Yonathan Arfi Yonathan Arfi
Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France and WJC Vice-President
Colette Avital Colette Avital
Member of the Executive
Yohan Benizri Yohan Benizri
Member of the Executive
Serge Berdugo Serge Berdugo
WJC Vice-President
Mauro Berenstein Mauro Berenstein
WJC Vice-President (Argentina)
President, Delegation of Argentine Jewish Associations
Sonat Birnecker Hart Sonat Birnecker Hart
Member of the Executive, WJC Jewish Diplomatic Corps Chair, Chair of the Steering Committee of the WJC Jewish Diplomatic Corps
Caterina Cognini Caterina Cognini
Member of the Executive
Josh Cohen Josh Cohen
WJC Vice-President (WUJS)
President, World Union of Jewish Students
Noemi Di Segni Noemi Di Segni
Member of the Executive
Claudio Epelman Claudio Epelman
Executive Director of the Latin American Jewish Congress, WJC Commissioner for Interreligious Dialogue & WJC Representative to the Holy See
Aaron Frenkel Aaron Frenkel
WJC Vice-President (EAJC)
Ralph Friedländer Ralph Friedländer
WJC Vice-President (Switzerland)
President, Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities
Hadassa Getsztain Hadassa Getsztain
Chairperson, WJC Israel
Saul Gilvich Saul Gilvich
WJC Vice-President (LAJC)
Robert Goot Robert Goot
Co-Chair of the WJC Policy Council
Dr. Andor Grósz Dr. Andor Grósz
WJC Vice-President (Hungary)
President, Federation of Jewish Communities in Hungary
Benjamin (Bini) Guttmann Benjamin (Bini) Guttmann
Member of Executive representing Future Leadership
Yuri Kanner Yuri Kanner
WJC Vice-President (Russia); President, WJC-Russian Federation; President, Russian Jewish Congress
Mary Kluk Mary Kluk
Chair, Africa & Australia Jewish Congress;
David Koschitzky David Koschitzky
Chair, WJC North America
Charlotte Knobloch Charlotte Knobloch
WJC Commissioner for Holocaust Memory
Saul Levine Saul Levine
WJC Vice-President, International Coordinating Director, Confederation of Jewish Associations of Venezuela
Claudio Lottenberg Claudio Lottenberg
WJC Vice-President (Brazil)
President, Jewish Confederation of Brazil
Boris Lozhkin Boris Lozhkin
WJC Vice-President (Ukraine)
President, Jewish Confederation of Ukraine
Julius Meinl Julius Meinl
Commissioner for Combating Antisemitism
Rabbi Joel Meyers Rabbi Joel Meyers
Chairman, WJC American Section
WJC Vice-President
Karen Milner Karen Milner
President of the South African Jewish Board of Deputies, WJC Vice President
Boris Mints Boris Mints
WJC Vice-President
Michael Mirilashvili Michael Mirilashvili
EuroAsian Jewish Congress
Esther Mor Esther Mor
WJC Vice-President (WIZO)
Honorary President, Women's International Zionist Organization
Ariel Muzicant Ariel Muzicant
President, European Jewish Congress & WJC Vice-President
Yaron Nadbornik Yaron Nadbornik
WJC Vice-President (Finland), President, Central Council of Finnish Jewish Communities
Eli Novershtern Eli Novershtern
Member of the Executive, President of the WJC Jewish Diplomatic Corps
Alexander Oscar Alexander Oscar
WJC Vice-President (Bulgaria), President, Organization of the Jews in Bulgaria “Shalom”
Petr Papousek Petr Papousek
WJC Vice-President (Czechia)
President, Federation of Jewish Communities in the Czech Republic
Marcos Peckel Marcos Peckel
Member of the Executive
Marc Pozniak Marc Pozniak
Member of Executive representing Future Leadership
Elan Pratzer Elan Pratzer
The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs National Chair; WJC Vice President
Moshe Ronen Moshe Ronen
Member of the Executive
Phil Rosenberg Phil Rosenberg
WJC Vice-President (United Kingdom)
President, Board of Deputies of British Jews
Rabbi Arthur Schneier Rabbi Arthur Schneier
Honorary Vice-President
Josef Schuster Josef Schuster
WJC Vice-President (Germany)
President, Central Council of Jews in Germany
Gil Segal Gil Segal
WJC Vice-President (WJC-Israel)
Adela Smeke Adela Smeke
Member of the Executive
Efrat Sopher Efrat Sopher
Member of the Executive
Evelyn Sommer Evelyn Sommer
WJC North America Honorary Chair
Maram Stern Maram Stern
Executive Vice President
Jack Terpins Jack Terpins
President, Latin American Jewish Congress
Anat Vidor Anat Vidor
President, Women's International Zionist Organization
Sara Winkowski Sara Winkowski
WJC Vice-President (ICJW)
Representative, International Council of Jewish Women
Josef Zissels Josef Zissels
WJC Vice-President (Ukraine)