The Lauder Fellowship - World Jewish Congress

Natacha is a 21-year-old physiotherapy student living in Strasbourg, France. She is currently the President of Strasbourg’s local chapter of the French Union of Jewish Students (UEJF). As such, she is committed to increasing the visibility of Holocaust remembrance and combatting antisemitism on university campuses. Knowing that creativity and diversity are key in engaging people in these causes, Natacha has organized several events that reached a wide audience: from the testimony of Simone Polak, an Auschwitz survivor, to a Succoth meal open to all students (Jewish and non-Jewish) to teach them about the holiday. She is also keen on gathering youth around shared shabbats and organized one with students from all over France to create unity and exchange ideas. She is looking forward to expanding her horizons even further by becoming a Lauder Fellow and furthering her passion for discovering and embracing new cultures in order to make a difference. She is excited and honored to be part of the Lauder Fellowship this year.