Morocco has the largest remaining Jewish community in North Africa, dating back more than two millennia to the pre-Roman Jewish colonies of Mauretania and Tingitania. The Jews of Morocco represent a remnant of an ancient, thriving community that numbered more than a quarter of a million people at its peak in the late 1950s. In 2020, it was estimated that there were about 2,100 Jews in the country.
In 1936, in Geneva, Isaac Pinto represented the Jewish Community of Morocco at the WJC Plenary in Geneva. In December 1947, the Jewish Community of Tangier became an affiliate of the WJC. In October 1955, the four principal Moroccan Jewish organizations—the Council of Jewish Communities of Morocco, the WJC Central Moroccan Committee, the Alliance Israelite Universelle, and the Organization of Former Pupils of the Alliance in Morocco—set up a Committee of Coordination.
The Conseil des Communautés Israélites du Maroc (Council of Israelite Communities of Morocco) is the Moroccan affiliate of the World Jewish Congress.