Most Jews live in Lubumbashi but there is also a small community in Kinshasa. Jews have lived in what is today the Congo since the beginning of the century when the first immigrants arrived from Eastern Europe, Israel, and South Africa. A few years later they were joined by Sephardim from the island of Rhodes. With the departure of the Belgians in 1960, many of the Jews left. However, many Israelis are working on development projects in the Congo.
The Communaute Israelite du Shaba represents the Jews of the Congo. There is a synagogue in Lubumbashi that is overseen by a rabbi.
For up to date information on Kosher restaurants and locations please see the Shamash Kosher Database
The Congo was one of the first African countries to re-establish diplomatic relations with Israel in 1983, following the severing of relations by African states in 1973.
12 Avenue des Aviateurs PO Box 8343 KIN 1, Kinshasa
Tel. 243 12 21955, Fax. 243 88 45055