The Lauder Fellowship - World Jewish Congress

About the Fellowship

The Lauder Fellowship is an international network of top Jewish student leaders seeking to represent and advocate on behalf of the global Jewish community. Lauder Fellows typically have an interest in the subject areas of public diplomacy, politics, communications, and other relevant fields.

Throughout the Fellowship, Lauder Fellows will receive leadership training with top World Jewish Congress leaders and experts, as well as priority access to high-level speakers within WJC’s global network. Fellows will also have an opportunity to gain access to insider events at the United Nations and other international bodies, internship opportunities, and other World Jewish Congress resources.

This Fellowship caters to university students or individuals connected to Jewish Student Unions aged 18-26.

The Lauder Fellowship runs for one calendar year, beginning in August. The Fellowship kicks off with a seminar in New York where the cohort gets the chance to meet their peers, hear from top WJC experts, and plan out their personalized work plan. Over the course of the year, Fellows work on their personalized work plan, which is a project they implement to support their local community or college campus with the guidance and resources of the World Jewish Congress. At the end of the year, Fellows are taken to Europe for a high-level Diplomacy Summit to meet with various community leaders, attend diplomatic meetings, and present their work plan to their peers.

By applying to the Lauder Fellowship, an individual commits to the following:

  1. Attending a multi-day seminar in New York City (early-mid August)
  2. Completing their individualized work plan, which is built by each individual Fellow. This is not a full-time job; rather, it runs parallel with a student’s academic and extracurricular commitments.
  3. Attending a virtual session once every 6-8 weeks for approximately one hour.
  4. Attending the Diplomacy Summit in Europe at the completion of the Fellowship (late May-June)

*This Fellowship is not an internship with the World Jewish Congress and is not a paid opportunity.

Applications for our 2025-2026 cohort are now open. 

Learn about Ambassador Lauder and his work here.

Meet the 2024-2025 Fellows

Meet our previous Lauder Fellows

Our Fellows' Accomplishments
15 Aug 2024

Fundraising post-Oct 7 for the IDF | Daniel Agmoni

Daniel Agmoni

Following October 7, Daniel Agmoni quickly pivoted his workplan goals to help Israel and the under-prepared Israeli Defense Forces. His workplan consisted of fundraising for his IDF unit, leading a delegation of Duke students to Israel, and continue his work with Start-Up Nation Mentorship.



  • Current enrollment in an institution of higher education or member of a Jewish student union.
  • Demonstrated leadership capacity
  • Two references
  • Your CV
  • A 1-year commitment

This Fellowship is a global initiative. Students from all countries worldwide are encouraged to apply.


Please contact with any questions or comments.


The Lauder Fellowship is one of the most fantastic learning opportunities and leadership experiences ever. The WJC leads the way in representing young Jewry, giving us a seat at the table and providing us with some of the most invaluable experiences all around the world. 


Daniel Mautner

University of Huddersfield

"Going through October 7th and the aftermath on my campus was so challenging and having the Lauder Fellowship and support of the WJC made me feel extra empowered to stand up for my community and continue to defend our people. The other fellows were all incredible leaders in their own communities, and I know I will stay connected with them for the rest of my life."


Noah Rubin

University of Pennsylvania

The Lauder Fellowship is indeed a prestigious and thought-after Fellowship, and rightly so. As a Lauder Fellow you are introduced to a world you would not be able to be exposed to in many years of the diplomacy world. The Fellowship trains you to be a great thinker, problem solver, and about the vast world of diplomacy.The experience taught me to never give up, because those around me chose to rise up, even in the toughest of times for the Jewish people since the Holocaust."


Tamara Listenberg

American University

"My experience as a Lauder Fellow this year was life-changing. I have never grown more professionally and personally. Being able to advocate for the Jewish people on the international stage is something I could have never dreamed of before. This program gave me the skills, resources, opportunities, and courage to become the advocate I've always wanted to be."


Claire Frankel

McGill University

Although there are hundreds of fellowships that students can choose to be a part of, none even come close to the Lauder Fellowship. The Lauder Fellowship is the most student-focused of any program out there. Besides getting to choose your own work plan to tackle the problems that your individual community faces, you get to work with the most gifted and talented group of individuals in the world. The Lauder Fellowship gave me so many tools that I am confident will be invaluable no matter where life takes me. If I could do it again I would do it in a heartbeat!


Avrohom Malachowski

CUNY Baruch College

The Lauder Fellowship has been a journey that has truly transformed my perspective on leadership and global Jewish unity. There is no other platform which provides young people the opportunity to combine love and passion for the Jewish people with professional skills and mentorship in diplomacy, advocacy and project management


Alissa Foster

University of New South Wales

"I would recommend the Lauder Fellowship to young Jewish leaders that want to leave a mark on their community. The Fellowship gives you the opportunity to meet and engage with other activists from all around the world, and create connections between countries and continents."


Caterina Cognini

Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Italy)

"WJC has made me a better leader on my campus and beyond. This fellowship has equipped me with knowledge and skills, mentors, and a network of other passionate students—with whom I’ve collaborated on international initiatives."


Zachary Milewicz

Washington University in St. Louis (USA)

"Having been a part of a community, along with other Jewish students, sharing a mission to enhance Jewish life around the world, is something that I will cherish forever. The Ronald S Lauder Fellowship brings the brightest and best Jewish students from around the world to take part in this shared mission. I am so grateful to have been part of that goal."


Jake Benyowitz

Yeshiva University (USA)

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