In the 1950s, a Jewish community, primarily made up of American military personnel stationed in Taiwan, was established but dwindled with the withdrawal of U.S. forces. The current community was established in the mid-1970s by foreign businessmen working on the island.
Regular Shabbat services and holiday services are held at a hotel in Taipei.
Israel maintains an economic and trade office in Taipei.
Taiwan Jewish Community No. 7, Lane 343, Shiphai Road, Section 2 Tienmu, Taipei Tel. 886 2 874 2763
Israel Economic and Trade Office Suite 3205 32F INT, L Trade Building No. 333 Keelung Road Section 1, Taipei Tel. 886 2 757 7221, Fax 886 2 757 7247
Kosher food is imported.
Today, nearly all of the 100 Jewish residents live in Taipei, the capital. The majority of them are dispatched by multinational corporations or international organizations for a two- or three-year tour of duty. Others are employed in academia and government service. More than half of the community are American citizens, a quarter are Israelis, and the rest are from various other countries.