The UGEI - World Jewish Congress
16 Mar 2022 Email Print

Created on 21 May 1995, the UGEI, L'Unione Giovani Ebrei d'Italia/The Union of Young Jews of Italy, is an Italian Jewish organization focusing on representing Italian Jews between 18 and 35. The UGEI is the contact person at the Union of Italian Jewish Communities for all Jewish youth associations of Italy. Additionally, they are the current observer to speak at Council meetings and hold this right during the four-year Congress. Furthermore, in the European International Jewish Union (EUJS) and the World Union of Jewish Students (WUJS), UGEI represents Italy.  

The Union of Young Jews of Italy focuses on Jewish identity programming, interfaith dialogue, Holocaust education and advocacy, and their youth newspaper for Italian Jews - "HaTikwa." 

UGEI by the Numbers:

  • 21 Jewish communities
  • 4,000 students and young professionals 
  • 7 board members 
  • 30 staff members 
  • Over 120 articles published a year