Поздравление c праздником Рош ха-Шана от президента Ривлина - World Jewish Congress

Поздравление c праздником Рош ха-Шана от президента Ривлина

“Greetings, our dearest friends from the World Jewish Congress! It is with great pleasure that I address you on the eve of Rosh Hashanah and take this opportunity to express my gratitude to you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your exceptional partnership with the Jewish Democratic State of Israel and for everything you do to fight anti-Semitism and support Jewish communities around the world.

Dear friends, or as we say in Hebrew "aheinu kol beit Israel"! Our dear brothers and sisters all over the world, the past year has been marked by ups and downs. For most of the year, we were all concerned about the coronavirus pandemic. We have lost loved ones. Our schools, synagogues and community centers have been closed, and we still face great uncertainty about the future. With the end of the outgoing year and the beginning of a new one, we all hope and pray that the new year will bring us a deliverance from the coronavirus, and that we can again meet each other in person and return to our normal life. I hope and believe that these times have reminded us that "Kol Yisrael arevim ze la ze", that the entire Jewish people are one family, that we must take responsibility for each other and that what unites us is much more than that. that divides.

Dear friends, we have recently witnessed a historic moment for Israel and the Middle East - an agreement on the normalization of relations between Israel and the Emirates. I hope this new spirit of cooperation will help us move forward with our Palestinian neighbors, as well as with all the countries of the Middle East. May the coming year be a year in which the bonds between Israel and the Diaspora, and between Jewish communities around the world, grow stronger and stronger. From Jerusalem, I would like to wish you all Shana Tov u'Metuk! I wish you all happiness, joy and good health. I look forward to welcoming you to Jerusalem next year, with Gd's help. Bless you all Gd and Shana Tov u'Metuk!

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