World Jewish Congress Honors Sephardic Heritage with Spanish Mission - World Jewish Congress

World Jewish Congress Honors Sephardic Heritage with Spanish Mission

17 Nov 2023
Musical interlude by Sarah Aroeste at the World Jewish Congress, Consulate General of Spain and Centro Sefarad, joint event honoring Sephardic heritage (c) WJC
Pedro Calvo Sotelo, Cultural Consul, addresses the audience at the World Jewish Congress, Consulate General of Spain and Centro Sefarad, joint event honoring Sephardic heritage (c) WJC
Sefarad-Israel Center Director Jaime Moreno Bau and Rabbi Isaac Choua, Middle East & North Africa Communities Liaison engage in a discussion, moderated by WJC Jewish Diplomatic Corps Member Jennifer Sutton at the World Jewish Congress, Consulate General of Spain and Centro Sefarad, joint event honoring Sephardic heritage (c) WJC
Sefarad-Israel Center Director Jaime Moreno Bau and Rabbi Isaac Choua, Middle East & North Africa Communities Liaison engage in a discussion, moderated by WJC Jewish Diplomatic Corps Member Jennifer Sutton at the World Jewish Congress, Consulate General of Spain and Centro Sefarad, joint event honoring Sephardic heritage (c) WJC