World Jewish Congress Commemorates Kristallnacht at the Great Synagogue in Geneva - World Jewish Congress

World Jewish Congress Commemorates Kristallnacht at the Great Synagogue in Geneva

10 Nov 2023
Philanthropist and Holocaust survivor Norbert Cymbalista shared his life story during Hitler's rise to power in the 1930s, his firsthand experience of Kristallnacht, and how his life changed by the Reichpogromnacht. Credit: Aigal Wedding/Communaute Israelite de Geneve.
Rabbi Jacob Toledano of Geneva led prayer services at the Beth Yaacov synagogue in Geneva, Switzerland. Credit: Aigal Wedding/Communaute Israelite de Geneve.
US Ambassador to the UN Human Rights Council Michele Taylor demonstrated what the impact of the Holocaust had on her as both a descendant of survivors and as a human rights attorney. Credit: Aigal Wedding/Communaute Israelite de Geneve.
International Relations Officer and WJC NextGen Manager, Elizaveta Zaidman, moderated the commemorative event on behalf of the World Jewish Congress. Credit: Aigal Wedding/Communaute Israelite de Geneve.