The WJC Jewish Diplomatic Corps (JDCorps) sent a delegation of 21 members from 10 countries to the International Forum on Holocaust Remembrance and Combating Antisemitism in Malmö, Sweden, during which the delegation engaged with diplomats, academics and others to discuss antisemitism and Holocaust remembrance.
In Malmö, members of the WJC Jewish Diplomatic Corps attended a WJC organized event at the Malmö synagogue and met with WJC President Ronald S. Lauder, Israel’s Minister for Diaspora Affairs Dr. Nachman Shai, Sweden’s Minister for Gender Equality and Housing Märta Stenevi, Deputy Mayor of Malmö Roko Kursar, Chief Rabbi of Norway Michael Melchior, the Coordinator on Antisemitism in the City of Malmö Mirjam Katzin, and others.
During the conversation, President Lauder reaffirmed his trust and commitment to the WJC JDCorps and encouraged members to develop ideas and solutions to combat antisemitism all over the world.
“As a Swedish Jew, engaging with WJC President Ronald S. Lauder, Dr. Nachman Shai, Israel’s Minister of Diaspora Affairs, the Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and Jewish communal leaders, about Jewish history in Sweden and strategies for combating antisemitism wasn’t only an honor but a reason for optimism,” said WJC Jewish Diplomatic Corps Member Jessica Lewin. “The event brought the issues of antisemitism in Sweden to the forefront. Hopefully it will lead to actions being implemented and further conversations about how to eradicate antisemitism.”