Dear Friends,
Throughout the generations, Passover has been a cornerstone of Jewish identity. Indeed, there is no Jewish holiday more widely observed and beloved.
Jews from across the religious spectrum gather with their families and friends to mark the seminal event in our history when the Israelites became a nation. In so doing, we are links in an unbreakable chain of Jewish peoplehood stretching back thousands of years. The holiday takes on special meaning this year, as we mark the 75th anniversary of the birth of the State of Israel and the 80th anniversary of the revolt in the Warsaw Ghetto.
As president of the World Jewish Congress, I am especially appreciative of how our Passover traditions reinforce the bonds that connect all of us—young and old—around the world. The various aspects of the holiday are reflected in the names by which it has traditionally been known: Chag Ha-Matzot [the Festival of Matzot], Zman Cherutenu [the Time of our Freedom], Chag Ha-Aviv [the Springtime Festival], and of course Chag Ha-Pesach [the Festival of Passover].
I hope that you will be surrounded by those dear to you at your Seder table and I wish everyone in the World Jewish Congress family good health and “Chag Pesach Kasher V’sameach”—a happy and kosher Passover holiday.
Ronald S. Lauder
World Jewish Congress