Community in New Zealand - World Jewish Congress
New Zealand

The main body of representation for the New Zealand Jewish community is the New Zealand Jewish Council – the New Zealand affiliate of the World Jewish Congress.

WJC Affiliate
New Zealand Jewish Council

+64 (21) 599 549

President: Stephen Goodman

Jews began arriving in New Zealand in the early 19th century, quickly establishing themselves in industry and commerce, as many were active in commerce with Australia and the United Kingdom.

The first Jewish congregation was formed in Wellington in 1843, followed by another in Auckland in 1848. As settlement spread across the islands and European immigration increased due to the discovery of gold on the South Island in the 1860s, more Jewish communities and synagogues were established in Auckland, Wellington, Dunedin, Christchurch, Hokitika, Timaru, Nelson, and Hastings.

As settlement spread across the islands and immigration increased due to the discovery of gold on the South Island, synagogues were established in Auckland, Wellington, Dunedin, Christchurch, Hokitika, Timaru, Nelson, and Hastings. During this period, notable Jewish figures emerged, including Julius Vogel, who served as the first Jewish Prime Minister of New Zealand, holding office from 1873 to 1875 and again in 1876.

In the 20th century, the community was bolstered by Jews who joined the flow of immigrants from Britain. The community faced challenges, especially during World War II, when extremely restrictive government policies on immigration only allowed a small number of Jews fleeing Nazi Germany to find refuge in New Zealand. Despite this, the community continued to thrive, with Michael Myers becoming the first Jewish Chief Justice, serving from 1929 to 1946.

The post-war period saw a slow but steady growth of the Jewish population, with an influx of Holocaust survivors and immigrants from other parts of the world, including South Africa and Israel. The community continued to develop its cultural and religious institutions, including synagogues, schools, and social organizations.

The Jewish community actively engages in interfaith dialogue, philanthropy, and cultural exchanges. John Key, who is of Jewish descent, served as Prime Minister from 2008–2016. Though not a practicing Jew, Key supported Israel and New Zealand’s Jewish community during his tenure as the fourth Jewish Prime Minister. Despite its small size, the community remains vibrant, preserving its traditions while integrating into broader New Zealand society.

The Years of the Holocaust

New Zealand’s response to Jewish refugees seeking to flee Nazi Germany was both indifferent and callous. Strict immigration policies and a general prejudice against “non-British” immigrants saw various legal and bureaucratic complexities keep out thousands of Jews seeking admittance into the country.

European Jews were not classified as “refugees” by the New Zealand government, with their admittance or rejection at the mercy of the discretion of the Minister of Customs and his officials. Edwin Dudley Good, Comptroller of Customs, summed up the mindset of New Zealand immigration officials with the following assertion: “Non-Jewish applicants are regarded as a more suitable type of immigrant.” Much of the opposition to the admittance of Jewish refugees was based on fears of competition in terms of the market and workforce. There was also a fear that antisemitism would gain prevalence in New Zealand with the admission of Jews.

The New Zealand Jewish community worked actively for the refugees, with the Auckland Jewish Welfare Society standing out. Overall, about 1,100 Jewish refugees were able to gain entry into the country, and thousands of others were denied.


There are fewer than 10,000 Jews in New Zealand, according to the 2018 national census, of whom 5,274 identified as having a Jewish religion and 1,854 identified as ethnically Israeli/Jewish out of a total population of 4,699,755.

According to the more comprehensive 2013 census, the Jewish community in New Zealand numbered 6,867 people out of 4,242,048 overall. This was in comparison to the 1,858,977 Christians (43.82% of the population), 89,919 Hindus (2.12% of the population), 52,947 Māori Christians (1.25% of the population), and 46,149 Muslims (1.09% of the population) that constituted the religious majorities in the country. 

Today, the Jewish community in New Zealand, although numbering only approximately 10,000 out of the 5.5 million New Zealanders, or less than 0.2% of the total population, is very active and contributes significantly to the country's cultural and social life.

The two major centres of New Zealand Jewry are Auckland and Wellington, with smaller communities also residing in Christchurch and other cities. The community maintains several synagogues, cultural centers, and organizations that promote Jewish education, heritage, and social activities, including one Jewish primary school.

Community Life

Community organizations play a crucial role in the lives of New Zealand's Jewish population, catering to a diverse range of interests across life events and holidays.

The New Zealand Jewish Council acts as the representative liaison to the government, working to promote and protect the interests of the community. Its structure is comprised of five regional councils: Auckland, Waikato, Wellington, Canterbury, and Otago. Numerous other communal organizations cater to various interests and needs.

The Community Security Group works to protect Jewish life from the threat of antisemitism, working closely with the New Zealand police. The Australasian Union of Jewish Students (AUJS) is a cross-communal organization that represents the interests of Jewish students in both New Zealand and Australia. The Zionist Federation of New Zealand is devoted to supporting both the Israeli and New Zealand Jewish communities. Auckland Jewish Immigration is a voluntary organization that works under the auspices of the Auckland Hebrew Congregation to help welcome, settle, and integrate newly arrived Jewish families.

There are two Jewish old-age homes, with Shalom Court Boutique Home & Hospital in Auckland serving as the more notable of the two. B’nai B’rith is active in New Zealand in all its activities. Hadassah International is also present and contributes significantly to the support of the Hadassah Hospitals in Jerusalem.

The Jewish community in New Zealand is vibrant and active, celebrating a wide range of cultural, religious, and social activities. One of the most public events held by the community is the annual "Chanukah in the Park" event, celebrated in Auckland and Wellington. This event brings together Jews and non-Jews alike to celebrate with music, food, and entertainment.

Overall, the Jewish community in New Zealand, while small, is dynamic and well-integrated into the broader society. It maintains a strong sense of identity and tradition through its various organizations, events, and religious practices.

Religious and Cultural Life

New Zealand Jews are primarily modern Orthodox, with a smaller Progressive community and three Chabads' rounding out the religious identification amongst the community. Synagogues are considered to be the center of the communities in New Zealand, acting as both places of worship and places of Jewish gathering.

Community Facts

1. New Zealand is the first country to bring in the Jewish New Year (and all other festivals).

2. New Zealand has had three Jewish Prime Ministers in its history, likely more per capita than any country outside of Israel.

3. In the 1920s, among other initiatives, the New Zealand Women’s Zionist Organization established infant welfare centers in Tel Aviv to cater for Jewish and Arab mothers and babies that were based on a New Zealand model of care.

4. The first synagogue in New Zealand was established in 1867 in Auckland.

5. There is only one Jewish day school in the whole of New Zealand.

Kosher Food

Kosher food options in New Zealand are limited but available to those seeking them. In Auckland, there is a kosher deli attached to the community center, and a similar deli is in Wellington.

Supermarkets in New Zealand do not have specialty aisles dedicated to kosher food. However, some supermarkets stock matzah during Pesach (Passover). Finding kosher products often involves referencing specific lists, as very few products in New Zealand are marked with kosher certification stamps.

Shechita (ritual slaughter) is banned in New Zealand for all animals except poultry, as poultry imports are banned in general. As a result, kosher meat is largely imported, with the exception of a chicken cull that supplies the local community with fresh kosher poultry when needed. Despite these challenges, the Jewish community in New Zealand manages to maintain its dietary practices through resourcefulness and community support.

jewish education

After the closure of the Moriah School in Wellington, the only Jewish day school in the country is the Kadimah School in Auckland. The Kadimah School offers both preschool and first through eighth grades, focusing on providing a comprehensive Jewish and secular educational experience as both a Jewish day school and a state-integrated school. The Auckland Hebrew Congregation also has educational opportunities, albeit in an extracurricular capacity. Additionally, the Raye Freedman Library promotes Jewish secular education through its extensive Jewish collections and resources.

The Rabbinical College of Australia and New Zealand, or “Yeshiva Gedolah,” serves as the main rabbinical studies center in the Oceanic region and is an Orthodox institution. Some of New Zealand’s more notable secular institutions offer various Jewish studies courses through a variety of different disciplines, including the humanities, history, philosophy, religious studies, and many more. A chapter of the international Melton Adult Education Program operates out of Auckland, offering Jewish educational courses for adults, as do both the AHC and Wellington Jewish Community Centre.


Jewish youth groups in New Zealand include two major international organisations, B'nei Akiva and Habonim Dror Aotearoa. The Australasian Zionist Youth Council Inc. (AZYC) is the umbrella body for the seven Zionist youth movements in Australia and New Zealand.

Jewish Media

Jewish media in New Zealand is limited. A weekly radio show based in Auckland, "Radio Shalom," features a diverse lineup that includes discussions, interviews, and airings of Israeli music.

Information for Visitors

There are notable Jewish sites in Auckland and Wellington, including the Old Synagogue and Symonds Street Cemetery in Auckland. The Auckland War Memorial Museum contains a Holocaust Gallery that contains notable artifacts, photos, and other material, and the Holocaust Centre of New Zealand, in Wellington, has an extensive collection of records, archives, and research that is used to not only teach the Holocaust but also to relate to other victims of racism and prejudice. The New Zealand Jewish Archives contains collections of Jewish artifacts, manuscripts, and other documentation depicting Jewish life in New Zealand, and the Jewish Online Museum, the world’s first and only online Jewish museum, offers a distinct experience detailing the New Zealand Jewish community.

Relations with Israel

Friendly ties between Israel and New Zealand date back to the relations established between the Yishuv and New Zealand soldiers who served in Palestine and the Middle East during the two World Wars. Israel honored the Australian and New Zealand soldiers (ANZAC) by erecting a memorial near Be'eri in Southern Israel.

Tensions arose in December 2016 when New Zealand co-sponsored UN Security Council Resolution 2334, condemning Israeli settlements in the West Bank. This led Israel to downgrade diplomatic ties and recall its ambassador. Despite the strain, full diplomatic relations were later restored, with the Israeli ambassador returning to Wellington in June 2017. However, there is no New Zealand embassy in Israel; the ambassador to Israel is based in Turkey.

The Israel-Hamas war following the October 7, 2023, massacre further tested these diplomatic relations. New Zealand called for a ceasefire and the return of the hostages and designated Hamas as a terrorist organization in February 2024. However, New Zealand does not designate the PFLP, Hezbollah, or IRGC as terrorist organizations. Despite evidence of terrorism links and antisemitism in their schools, New Zealand decided to continue funding UNRWA.

Israel and New Zealand maintain full diplomatic ties, though relations have experienced some turbulence.

Israeli Embassy:
Level 13, Bayleys Building
36 Brandon Street
PO Box 25485
Wellington 6146

Telephone: +64 (04) 439 9500
Fax: +64 (04) 439 9555

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