Networks Overcoming Antisemitism | Grassroots NGO shifts focus to donate to communities in need amid COVID-19 - World Jewish Congress

Networks Overcoming Antisemitism | Grassroots NGO shifts focus to donate to communities in need amid COVID-19

The Budapest-based Charity Taxi (Adománytaxi) has overturned its routine day-to-day operations amid the coronavirus outbreak to raise approximately $10,000 and produce around 15,000 masks for delivery to hospitals, healthcare institutions, ambulance stations, and homeless shelters by approximately 40 volunteers. 

Charity Taxi is the first project to be featured on the website of NOA - Networks Overcoming Antisemitism, a unique coalition of major Jewish organizations, including the World Jewish Congress, that aims to tackle rising antisemitism in Europe. 

In addition to developing social media campaigns to shed light on the positive contributions of European Jewry, the partnership will instill various social, cultural and educational activities across the EU, including anti-bias training. 

To nominate a project for the NOA website, click here.

Jewish activist and founder of Charity Taxi, Tamás Horn, was inspired to create his movement in response to the refugee crisis that has erupted in Europe in recent years. Before the outbreak of the virus, with the support of approximately 500 volunteers, the organization focused on delivering charitable donations, ranging from food and water to furniture and toys, to those in need across Hungary, and provided a medium for people from diverse backgrounds to engage with each other.  

“Adománytaxi reflects social issues such as poverty and inequality, but it is based on the knowledge and values I got from [the] international Jewish community,” said Horn. “It feels good that I can give back something from the huge amount of inspiration I received to the broader community in Hungary.”

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