Start time 12:00 (New York) / 17:00 (Geneva) / 18:00 (Jerusalem)
On 14 March 2022 at 12 pm EST/ 17:00 CET/ 18:00 IST the World Jewish Congress will host a parallel event to the sixty-sixth session of the United Nations' Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) to discuss Empowering Women: Corporate policies and practices inspiring Faith-Based Organizations.
The panel event will focus on gender inequality in the workplace, and the steps needed to increase representation of women in organizations while developing the conditions and cultures that enable both women and men to thrive.
About the Commission on the Status of Women
The Commission evaluates progress in gender equality, identifies challenges, sets global standards and formulates concrete policies to promote gender equality and advance the cause of women worldwide. The sixty-sixth session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW66) will take place from 14 to 25 March 2022 in a hybrid format with mostly virtual meetings.