Hamas Terrorism & Genocidal Practices - World Jewish Congress
Hamas Terrorism & Genocidal Practices

Hamas Terrorism & Genocidal Practices

40th Session
Item 9:
General Debate
Representative delivering the statement: Ms. Efrat Sopher ,
United Kingdom

Thank you Mr. President,

I am honored to speak on behalf of the World Jewish Congress, which represents Jews from over 100 countries.

Racism against the Jews dates back several millennia. Exactly 3,000 years ago today, the Persian Empire threatened the Jews with total elimination, which included my ancestors. Because of the courageous action taken by Queen Esther, I am able today to defend the right of Jews to exist. The Jews in Persia were forced to protect themselves from a Royal decree to eliminate a race. Jews today are facing the same threat to their survival.

Hamas’s racist terrorism is a clear and present danger to my people. Hamas is even more brutal than the Persians. Terrorists infiltrate the Israeli border disguised as civilians, dig tunnels, use abduction, torture and violence. Hamas uses their own people as human shields, which demonstrates how low they will go to, to eliminate the Jews.

This racism is on the rampage across the globe with Jew hatred manifested on a daily basis and it is only getting worse. Just as Queen Esther reacted to the threat immediately, we too, on behalf of the Jewish people, need to take action now to protect a nation.

Actions, like those of Hamas, of inciting racism and violence, and spreading lies, will never lead to peace and this Council must condemn these genocidal practices.

Thank you.