Swiss synagogue desecrated in third antisemitic incident this month

18 Feb 2021

In the third incident motivated by antisemitism in Switzerland this month, anti-Jewish symbols and slogans, including "Sieg Heil" and "Juden Pack," were found engraved on the door of the Bienne Synagogue in the city of Biel on Thursday. Authorities are investigating the situation. 

In a statement announcing plans to file a criminal complaint, the WJC-affiliated Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities (SIG-FSCI) described the incident as “a massive desecration of the synagogue and a grave antisemitic incident.” 

The incident occurred less than two weeks after criminal charges were filed in response to pork that was left, seemingly intentionally, in front of the two separate synagogues in Switzerland. The Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities (SIG-FSCI) said that the “attack is not just in bad taste, but a deliberate attempt to symbolically desecrate or desecrate a synagogue.” 

While the perpetrators have yet to be apprehended, it is known that far-right activists in Europe place pork in a sign of hatred and insult in front of mosques, and more rarely at synagogues, as pigs are neither Halal nor kosher in Muslim and Jewish traditions.